Matt DesLauriers
I'm a Canadian artist, now based in the UK. My practice primarily focuses on code, software, and generative processes. I am also an active contributor to open source software, building tools and libraries to support creative coding and generative art workflows.

select work
The Sferic Project (2023 – ongoing), an art and research project studying Earth's natural radio and atmospheric noise.
Sierra (2024), a print + digital collaboration with Avant Arte.
Meridian (2021 – 2022), a long-form generative artwork and book.
FOLIO (2021), a digital artwork exhibited in London, UK.
Subscapes (2021), a three-part essay about my 2021 generative art project, Subscapes.
Wayfinder (2021), a generative poetry game for the web made with the National Film Board of Canada.
Future Sketches – MIT Media Lab (2021), a public talk hosted by Zach Lieberman and MIT Media Lab, on the subject "What do creative coding toolkits of the future look like?"
LUMOS (2018), a digital installation and interactive light sculpture exhibited in Ontario Place, Toronto, during their 2018 Winter Light Exhibition.
canvas-sketch (2018 – present), an open source toolbox for generative artists, and also what I use to create most of my art.
shop / twitter / instagram / github / CV
For artwork enquiries and commissions, please contact me at info at mattdesl dot studio.
+ consider this website a placeholder, for now.